Why Biden agrees in principle to summit with Putin?

 US President Joe Biden has "in principle" agreed to hold a summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the crisis in Ukraine.

The White House said the talks proposed by France would only take place if Russia did not offend its neighbors. Meanwhile, the Kremlin said no. Summit "concrete plan"

The talks are expected to provide a possible diplomatic solution to one of Europe's worst security crises in decades.

U.S. officials said intelligence agencies had indicated that Russia was preparing to launch a military operation, but Moscow denied this.

The French president announced the proposed summit after a total of nearly three hours of telephone conversation between President Emmanuel Macron and Putin.

The second call, made early Monday morning Moscow time, was made after Macron had a 15-minute conversation with Biden.

Macron said the details of the summit's potential will be discussed at a meeting between US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergeĭ Viklov on Thursday.

In a statement confirming the offer, the White House is also ready for Russia to "immediately prepare to attack Ukraine with all its might" and the United States to decide. If that happens, "quick and serious consequences".

According to US estimates, Russia has deployed more than 150,000 troops near the Ukrainian border.

McDonald's in the United States said new satellite images show that some new ammunition and Russian garrison have been deployed near the Ukrainian border. This indicates an increased level of military readiness.

The two leaders, said the French president, have agreed to begin negotiations in a Normandy style. A group formed to resolve disputes in eastern Ukraine, including Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany.

She said she agreed with Putin's need to "prioritize diplomatic resolution" to the crisis, adding that "extensive work" would be done to hold a ceasefire meeting. "In the next few hours"

But the Kremlin later said, "It's too early to talk about specific plans. To hold the summit."

"There is an understanding that negotiations should continue at the foreign minister's level," spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, adding that the meeting is feasible. "If the Head of State deems it appropriate"

The Kremlin said President Putin accused Ukrainian troops of increasing tensions with Ukrainian opponents and said Moscow was conducting a provocative campaign aimed at creating an excuse for interference.

  • Scene: Ukraine crosses President Zelensky.

  • Background: Satellite image showing Russia's activities near Ukraine.

  • Background: Is Russia trying to invade Ukraine?

Earlier, Russia announced an extension of its exercises in Belarus. 30,000 Russian soldiers are stationed, which is scheduled to end this Sunday. Statement from Belarus The "bad situation" in eastern Ukraine was the cause of long-term operations.

"Everything we see is dangerous," Blinken said in an interview with CNN. "We are on the verge of aggression."

"We take every opportunity and every minute to see if diplomacy can discourage President Putin from moving forward until the tank actually moves. The plane is flying," he said. 


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